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Langley and Surrey Wills and Estates Lawyers

Probate in British Columbia

Probate is a legal process through which a court validates a will. From the executor’s perspective, obtaining probate serves several practical and legal purposes.

Langley and Surrey Personal Real Estate Corporation Lawyer

Understanding Personal Real Estate Corporations in British Columbia

A Personal Real Estate Corporation (PREC) is a unique type of corporation available to licensed realtors in British Columbia. Through a PREC, real estate services can be provided in a more structured way. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of incorporating a PREC.

What Happens to Real Estate After Death in BC?

In this article, we discuss three common scenarios in which title to British Columbia real estate transfers after a person’s death: transmission to a surviving joint tenant, sale of real estate by a deceased’s estate, and specific gifting of real estate to a named beneficiary in a will.

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Annual Reports for BC Companies

In this article, we discuss the Annual Report and other routine annual paperwork that would apply to a typical, privately held British Columbia company.

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Legal Due Diligence When Buying a Business

Conducting due diligence is an essential step before buying a business. This article discusses some of the basic searches that apply to most transactions.

Langley and Surrey Wills, Estates & Trusts Lawyers

Disability Trusts: Providing for Disabled Beneficiaries

A disability trust authorizes the trustee (or in the case of a will, the executor) to make discretionary payments to a disabled beneficiary. Increasingly, will-makers are interested in providing for disabled beneficiaries without jeopardizing their access to government assistance.

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Incorporating a Sole Proprietorship

There are several reasons why many entrepreneurs start out as sole proprietors. Ease of set-up, low start-up costs, and the potential in some cases for tax benefits in the early stages of the business. That said, many sole proprietors eventually make the decision to incorporate, and there are a variety of legal and tax reasons for doing so.